Babar and the adventures of badou Wiki


Badou thinks there's an intruder in the palace and created a series of traps to catch him. Could the intruder be someone very small or someone as big as Badou thinks of in his imagination?


Spy Trap- The episode begins with Badou playing his room with Chiku imagining looking for the Gold Mine of Gaxx in which she thought was a myth, to his playing one of the pillows hits his grandfather. Known that they were pretending he told them to get their so-called enemy, he asked if Babar was surprised and he said, "I was but I tried to get the facts start." Then all of a sudden Cornelius yells from the map room, saying that one of the maps went missing. So Babar advised Cornelius to settle the matter quietly without knowing Badou and his friends were thinking of the same thing.

Badou and friends were discussing about what they were going to do at Gallop's Grotto

Next Episode: 1b: Sneezeasels


